Biogas is a cross-sectorial solution that provides both energy security, climate gas reductions, and enhances the circular economy which is necessary to reach a more sustainable consumption and production in our society. The Nordic Biogas Conference 2024 will showcase how biogas is currently making huge steps forward both in a Nordic, European, and Global perspective.

Biogas is a great solution to a wide range of common challenges across the world. Biogas production is at the center of a value chain delivering green energy, biowaste treatment and sustainable bio fertiliser. The biogas industry is situated at a crossroad for many industries streching from agriculture, seafarming, waste sector, to energy supply, transport, shipping and industrial production. Today, biogas is a global commodity and increased production and use of biogas is high on the agenda in both the Nordic countries, the EU and at a global scale.

The Nordic Biogas Conference 2024 will explore the recent developments and future perspectives of a biogas industry running fast – not only supplying green energy for a wide range of sectors, but also green fertiliser for the agriculture – and providing biogenic CO2 for carbon storage and production of e-fuels for heavy road vehicles, ships and airplanes. 

At the conference we will look into the general development of politics, regulations and market conditions, the most important markets, and the most recent technology development of the industry. 

There will be study tours to some of the most interesting front runners in the Danish Biogas Industry showcasing some of the newest solutions, including production of liquefied biogas, capture of biogenic CO2, power-to-x production, pyrolysis of digestate fiber and production of biochar.

Photo credit: Tekniska Verken.